

Opportunity Dashboard


Created at Hack the Cloud in July 2020

Opportunity Dashboard is a Flask app that uses MongoDB. This website was created to connect students with opportunities like events. It is similar to reddit but focused on providing information on opportunities for students.

Trash Sorter


Created at Hyphen Hacks in October 2019

Trash sorter is a Flask app that uses ClarifAi. The website can predict where an item should be thrown away by detecting what material the item is made of.

Educate Green


Created at DV Hacks

Educate Green uses Flask and Tom Tom's map API. The website was created to bring awareness to climate change and provides information on climate change facts. It provides a caluclator for emissions based on your form of transportation between two places.

Maze Runner


Created at SM Hacks II in November 2018

Maze Runner uses opencv and a custom trained model to detect hand motion. This game is played using hand motions in your camera which makes it accessible to many.

Travel Checklist


Created at HS Hacks IV in October 2018

Travel Checklist uses Flask and ClarifAI. It would detect an item you packed via object recognition using ClarifAI and would store this data for you. This was created to help users remember what items they packed so they wouldn't forget items when returning home or changing vacation destinations.

Co-Founder and Organizer


Hack the Fog 1.0 in March 2018

I co-founded Hack the Fog and helped organize the first high school hackathon in San Francisco.